I picked up my interest in cooking in cast iron making omelets over a wood fired stove ( which I had to fire myself) at an early age. Loved it then and still do. There’s a lot of groups dedicated to cast iron cooking and collecting so I want to list some of them here. All great groups carefully administrated by some absolutely wonderful folks who keep the “Walk right in, Sit right down” spirit going. If you’ve never used a cast iron cooking utensil or have a question, or just looking for new ideas they’re a good place to start. One warning though, they all have castironitis and this is a spreadable cooking disease 🙂 No particular order for the cast iron cooking groups, just some random blathering by your’es truly.  CAST IRON COOKING This was the first cast iron cooking group I joined back when it had a scant 3000 members. Founded by E.W. Modemac it’s a great place to share ideas and ask questions. Friendly atmosphere with a lot of helpful people. No politics and no grumbling. Some great Cast Iron info too. See their FAQ. CAST IRON COOKS If you really want to gain weight this is the place to go. Proprietor Brad Woods will put food under your nose that you can’t resist. All crafted in cast iron cookware. Very nice people in the group also and the Admins are courteous and generous as well. Good place for food ideas.  UNITED STATES DUTCH OVEN SOCIETY| This is a relatively new group founded by Brent Bolton whose been around the cast iron circuit for a while. Might be some great cast iron competition cooking here soon. CHEF TO CHEF  Gordy Evans who manages this group is, if nothing else a great cook. His spicy cajun remoulade is good enough reason to join the group. CULINARY FANATICS The title says it all. Jeff’s been dishing up fantastic food for a while, not to mention his expertise in cleaning / restoring / cooking in cast iron. A really good group for plating one up for photos as well as tips on taking that really great food photo you just know you want to post. WAGNER AND GRISWOLD SOCIETY This is the veritable mother lode for cast iron. While specializing in vintage Wagner and Griswold cast iron, they are very knowledgeable on just about every manufacturer and make of cast iron and are only too happy to assist in identifying pieces.